Here's a few photos of my progress so far on the Beacon Hill! This was three days of work.
The package came all the way from the US. Not cheap on postage haha.
Sorted out all the pieces and made a start! Lots of sanding!
Glued the foundation - the only part I have glued so far. The rest is just dry-fitted. I want to make sure everything fits well before gluing! I have one concern about the foundation, I think one side of the back wall of the foundation is slightly higher than the other, so I will try sanding the other side down a bit.
This all fits well and it taped to hold it firm.
When I added the partition between the lounge/hall and the third floor, I noticed a little problem. For some reason, the partition sits on a slight angle (despite the tabs fitting perfectly into the slots) I don't know if perhaps it warped slightly, or what, but this means that there is a slight gap in the front corner of the second floor floor/first floor ceiling where it joins with the partition. For now I've left it, as I can't quite work out what to do to fix it. The third floor was quite challenging to insert, due to the partition being slightly wonky, and it was hard to get it into all the tabs. The tabs on the right and left sides of the house fitted perfectly but it was a challenge to get the middle one into the slot! This may be normal though. So, because of the wonky partition I haven't glued it yet. I've taped everything firm and straight so this may fix it, and it may fix itself with the addition of all the other walls etc. Failing all else I can possibly use some wood filler to fix the gap.
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