
Mini apples anyone?

Finished painting details onto the apples today, and whipped up a little wooden crate for them. Made need a bit of practice on that though as this one turned out a little wonky.

Mini minis

Just another pic of them, excuse the blu-tack haha!


Finally done.

Just in time for bed! I'm so ready to rest my sore eyes after painting these. Tomorrow I'm going to dry brush a little bit of tone onto the apples and potato.

Matryoshka dolls in progress

Will be so glad when these are done haha... they are cute but a lot of effort! Worth it though hopefully.

I'm back

So I've been inactive for far too long due to being away at uni but I'm home for a few weeks and tonight I tried using Polymer clay for the first time! I made a potato, apples and a set of matryoshka dolls which I am currently painting. So pleased with how everything came out so far! For my first time at least.