
Beacon Hill arrived!

After a few months of shipping my Beacon Hill kit has finally arrived! I won't be back in my home town until I've finished uni in a few weeks, but I can't wait to open it up.



Rearranged a few of the rooms (in my current dollhouse, not the Beacon Hill just yet!) slightly to include some of the items I got for my birthday, as well as new items I've bought myself recently. Switched the bedroom and bathroom around, meaning the bathroom is in the attic now. Which is a thing about many dollhouses that I've never liked! But I just felt like changing things round a little. One of the main criteria when choosing a new dollhouse was that it had to have a somewhat realistic layout. No walking through bedrooms to get to other rooms etc., hence why the Beacon Hill was my final decision - love the hallways!



Got some gorgeous wee rugs pretty cheaply off Amazon - exactly what I had in mind! I intend for the red one to be in the lounge and not yet sure about the blue. I know decorating the Beacon Hill is far in the future yet, but I just can't help myself haha.
They're a bit creased from being folded in the package but I'm sure I could iron them under a tea towel or shirt or something and flatten them out. Also the fringe on each of them is a tiny bit longer on one side but nothing that a quick trim can't fix and definitely worth it for $5 (NZ) each with free postage!


Moving On

 These are a couple of pictures I took whilst experimenting with my new DSLR. They're from the dollhouse I have at the moment. Still unsure as to what to do with it, whether I sell it and use the (much needed) money to buy supplies and accessories for the Beacon Hill or keep it. I do need somewhere to keep all my furniture etc while constructing the Beacon Hill so I suppose I'll keep it for a while at least!
Not really sure what it's worth either. It's a number of years old but in terms of condition it's basically brand new - not a scratch on it and I never wallpapered or did the flooring or even attached the staircases. It came as a flat pack (pre-painted etc) and I put it together but it's pretty sturdy so shouldn't be too hard to transport within the South Island. I think we paid about $300 for it, but I'd be happy with $200! But not really sure how to value it.


Greenleaf Beacon Hill - Happy Birthday To Me!

So recently my parents and I were finally able to order my belated 21st present - the Greenleaf 'Beacon Hill' dollhouse. It proved a little tricker than originally thought. Shipping from Greenleaf may be free within the US, however to New Zealand it was going to cost over $600. Not at all ideal when that's about twice the price of the kit itself. So, we finally managed to source it through another website instead - still pricey but slightly cheaper.

It should arrive sometime within the next 2 months, however I can't actually start work on it until Feb next year as I'm travelling around Europe. But it'll be great to have it waiting for me when I get home!

Been planning colour schemes and decorating ideas for months already now but will have to start really deciding! At the moment I'm considering white or cream exterior paneling with slate grey roof shingles for the outside, and inside white walls with dark stained wood floors.

I want to keep the general colour scheme fairly neutral and timeless so that it doesn't date too much over the years. I have a large collection of furnishings and accessories which are very colourful and plan to buy much more, and I feel that white/cream walls complement this much more than trying to match items in a "colour scheme".

The house is going to be "set" in modern the modern day. I plan on reflecting my own personal decorating style throughout the house, which is really easy as it's such an eclectic mixture of many different styles! The thing I love about modern day houses is that you still see older style items mixed in with the new. I want it to look like the items in this house have been collected over the years from travel or family heirlooms, with lots of contemporary art and fresh green plants.

Anyway I'll leave it at that for now, because I could probably write pages on the plans I have for this house!


Mini apples anyone?

Finished painting details onto the apples today, and whipped up a little wooden crate for them. Made need a bit of practice on that though as this one turned out a little wonky.

Mini minis

Just another pic of them, excuse the blu-tack haha!


Finally done.

Just in time for bed! I'm so ready to rest my sore eyes after painting these. Tomorrow I'm going to dry brush a little bit of tone onto the apples and potato.

Matryoshka dolls in progress

Will be so glad when these are done haha... they are cute but a lot of effort! Worth it though hopefully.

I'm back

So I've been inactive for far too long due to being away at uni but I'm home for a few weeks and tonight I tried using Polymer clay for the first time! I made a potato, apples and a set of matryoshka dolls which I am currently painting. So pleased with how everything came out so far! For my first time at least.